At Barres we take part in yearly dance examinations in all our dance styles. Examinations are an important part of dancing and give students something to work towards as well as a reward for their hard work throughout the year.
Which associations are we affiliated with?

Who can take part in dance examinations?
All of our students partake (adult beginner dancers included). Examinations give our students a goal to work towards. Through doing examinations we watch our students grow, their technique perfect, and confidence levels rise. We are proud to have all of our students partake in examinations and we would never let our dancers go into an exam room unprepared.

What must dancers wear for the exams?
All dancers must wear the appropriate studio clothing for their dance style.
Acrobatics exam wear
Studio unitard. Dance Paws or Bare feet. Hair neatly fastened out of the face in a french plait.

Contemporary exam wear
Studio unitard, leotard, ¾ tights, full-length tights, or hot pants. Dance Paws or Bare feet. Hair neatly fastened out of the face into a bun.
Hip Hop exam wear
Any comfortable dance attire, studio t-shirt or jacket, and black sneakers.

Tap exam wear
Studio leotard, ¾ tights, full-length tights, or hot pants. Tap shoes with solid taps. Hair neatly fastened out of the face in a bun or french plait.
When are the dance examinations?
Dance exam dates vary. We will usually schedule exams in June (before the school holidays). Proposed exam dates go out with the yearly planner. Hip Hop, Contemporary, and Tap exams are scheduled together. Acrobatics exams are scheduled separately.

How much do dance examinations cost?
Exam costs vary every year. Dancers will be notified of exam costs as soon as we send out exam newsletters. Exam fees are payable for each exam that a student partakes in. Exam fees are non-refundable. All exam fees are used to cover exam costs and are paid to the associations.